Tuesday, November 10, 2009


commonly called HIBISCUS MOSCHUS

LOCALLY CALLED -- musk dana

An indian plant, grown annually in hotter parts of india like West Bengal.

A safe homeopathic medicine - used in mother tincture form.

Homeopathic tincture is made from the seeds of the plant.

benefits of banana

1. banana are fruits high in fiber, thus ideal remedy for constipation instead of laxatives. 2. banana contains amino acid tryptophan. tryptophan is converted by body into serotonin which relaxes a person and improves the mood. 3. Bananas are considered to be a natural solution for hangovers. A banana milk shake with honey will help to calm the stomach and build up depleted blood sugar levels at the same time. 4. Bananas are natural antaacids. they give relief to the person from heartburn. 5. the inside of banana skin rubbed on mosquito bites is found to reduce the swelling and irritation. 6. Bananas are ideal diet for who are quitting smoking. this is because of the combination of vitamin c, A1, B6, B12 that helps the body to recover from the effects of smoking withdrawl. 7. due to high level of potassium in them, banans are considered excellent snack when a person is highly stressed or working late at the office. 8. research shows regular intake of banana can help reduce possibility of stroke by upto forty percent. 9. bananas are ideal fruit to be eaten when a person is suffering from ulcers. This id due to the soft texture of the fruit which makes it easily digestible, combined with its capacity to neutralize acidity.